The Targaryen Family Tree: A Saga of Fire and Blood

The Targaryen Family Tree: A Saga of Fire and Blood

In the realm of epic fantasy, few families have captured the imagination quite like House Targaryen. With their silver hair, purple eyes, and the ability to tame dragons, the Targaryens have ruled Westeros for centuries, leaving an indelible mark on its history and culture. Their story is a tapestry woven with power, betrayal, love, and loss, and their family tree is a testament to the complexities of human nature.

From the days of Aegon the Conqueror, who united the Seven Kingdoms under his banner, to the reign of Daenerys Stormborn, the Targaryens have faced countless challenges and emerged triumphant time and again. Their lineage is a rich tapestry of kings and queens, princes and princesses, heroes and villains, each playing their part in the grand drama of Westeros.

Their family tree is a complex and often convoluted one, with branches that extend far and wide across the realm. It is a testament to the Targaryens' enduring legacy and the enduring power of their bloodline. But beyond the names and titles, there are the stories of the individuals who make up this extraordinary family, stories of love and betrayal, triumph and tragedy, that have captivated readers and viewers around the world.

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As we delve into the sprawling branches of the Targaryen family tree, we will encounter a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique story to tell. From the legendary Aegon the Conqueror to the enigmatic Daenerys Stormborn, we will explore the lives, loves, and legacies of the Targaryens who have shaped the history of Westeros.

targarean family tree

Power, betrayal, love, and loss.

  • Ancient Valyrian lineage
  • Conquerors of Westeros
  • Dragonriders and fire-wielders
  • Complex and convoluted family tree
  • History of incest and rivalries
  • Legacy of madness and greatness

The Targaryens: a family like no other.

Ancient Valyrian lineage

The Targaryens are descended from the ancient Valyrian Freehold, a powerful and advanced civilization that once ruled over much of Essos. The Valyrians were known for their mastery of dragons and their ability to forge Valyrian steel, a lightweight and incredibly strong metal. They also possessed a rich culture and a deep understanding of magic.

The Targaryens are one of the few families to survive the Doom of Valyria, a cataclysmic event that destroyed the Valyrian Freehold. They fled to Dragonstone, an island off the coast of Westeros, and eventually conquered the Seven Kingdoms under the leadership of Aegon the Conqueror.

The Targaryens' Valyrian heritage is a source of both pride and power. Their silver hair, purple eyes, and ability to tame dragons are all seen as signs of their noble lineage. However, this heritage also comes with a dark side. The Targaryens are prone to madness and incest, and their history is marred by violence and betrayal.

Despite the challenges they have faced, the Targaryens have endured for centuries. Their Valyrian bloodline is a testament to their strength and resilience. It is also a reminder of the power and danger that can come from a single family.

The Targaryens' ancient Valyrian lineage is an integral part of their identity and their story. It is a source of both strength and weakness, and it has shaped their destiny in profound ways.

Conquerors of Westeros

The Targaryens are best known for their conquest of Westeros, which began with Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters, Visenya and Rhaenys. Aegon landed on the shores of Westeros with a small army and three dragons, and within a few years he had conquered six of the Seven Kingdoms. Only Dorne remained independent, and it was not until the reign of Aegon's son, Maegor the Cruel, that it was finally brought into the fold.

  • Aegon the Conqueror: Aegon was a brilliant military commander and a charismatic leader. He was also a ruthless and ambitious man, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals. Aegon's conquest of Westeros is one of the most important events in the history of the realm.
  • Visenya Targaryen: Aegon's sister and wife, Visenya was a skilled warrior and a powerful dragonrider. She was also a wise and intelligent woman, and she played an important role in Aegon's conquest. Visenya is often remembered as a harsh and unforgiving ruler, but she was also a fiercely loyal and devoted wife and sister.
  • Rhaenys Targaryen: Aegon's other sister and wife, Rhaenys was a beautiful and gentle woman. She was also a skilled dragonrider, and she used her dragon, Meraxes, to great effect in Aegon's wars. Rhaenys was killed during the First Dornish War, but she is still remembered as one of the most beloved Targaryen queens.
  • Maegor the Cruel: Aegon's son and successor, Maegor was a brutal and tyrannical ruler. He was responsible for the deaths of many of his own family members, including his nephews and nieces. Maegor's reign was short and bloody, but he eventually managed to conquer Dorne and bring the Seven Kingdoms under his rule.

The Targaryens' conquest of Westeros was a major turning point in the history of the realm. It brought the Seven Kingdoms together under one rule, and it established the Targaryen dynasty as the dominant power in Westeros. The Targaryens ruled Westeros for nearly three centuries, and their legacy can still be seen today.

Dragonriders and fire-wielders

The Targaryens are known for their close association with dragons. They are the only family in Westeros who can tame and ride dragons, and this ability has been a key factor in their success. Dragons are powerful and fearsome creatures, and they have been used by the Targaryens to conquer and rule Westeros. The Targaryens also have a unique ability to wield fire, which they can use to devastating effect in battle. This ability is often seen as a sign of their Valyrian heritage, and it is one of the things that makes them so formidable.

The Targaryens' association with dragons and fire is a major part of their identity. It is a source of both pride and power, and it has shaped their history and culture in profound ways. Dragons are often seen as symbols of the Targaryen dynasty, and they appear on the family's sigil and coat of arms. The Targaryens have also built several dragon skulls into the architecture of the Red Keep, their ancestral seat in King's Landing. This is a testament to the importance of dragons to the Targaryen family.

The Targaryens' ability to ride dragons and wield fire has given them a significant advantage in battle. They have used their dragons to conquer and rule Westeros, and they have also used them to defend the realm from its enemies. In the Dance of the Dragons, a civil war that took place during the reign of King Aegon II, dragons were used on both sides of the conflict. The war was ultimately won by Aegon's sister, Rhaenyra, who was known as the "Dragon Queen." Rhaenyra's victory was a testament to the power of dragons, and it helped to secure the Targaryen dynasty's hold on the Iron Throne.

The Targaryens' association with dragons and fire is a major part of their legacy. It is a source of both strength and danger, and it has shaped their destiny in profound ways.

The Targaryens are a family with a long and complicated history. They are conquerors, dragonriders, and fire-wielders. Their legacy is one of power, betrayal, love, and loss. But through it all, they have endured. The Targaryens are survivors, and their story is one that continues to captivate readers and viewers around the world.

Complex and convoluted family tree

The Targaryen family tree is complex and convoluted, with many branches and offshoots. This is due in part to the Targaryens' practice of incest, which was seen as a way to keep their bloodline pure and their power intact. Incestuous marriages were common among the Targaryens, and this often led to genetic problems and mental instability.

  • Incest: The Targaryens were known for their practice of incest, which was seen as a way to keep their bloodline pure and their power intact. Incestuous marriages were common among the Targaryens, and this often led to genetic problems and mental instability.
  • Multiple marriages: The Targaryens also practiced polygamy, which allowed them to have multiple wives and husbands. This further complicated their family tree and led to rivalries and conflicts between different branches of the family.
  • Bastards: The Targaryens also had many illegitimate children, or bastards. These children were often excluded from the line of succession, but they could still cause problems for the family. For example, Aegon IV's bastard son, Daemon Blackfyre, rebelled against his half-brother, King Daeron II, and started a civil war.
  • Disputed successions: The Targaryens also had a history of disputed successions. This was often due to the fact that there were multiple claimants to the Iron Throne, each with their own supporters. These disputes often led to violence and bloodshed.

The Targaryens' complex and convoluted family tree is a major source of conflict and drama in their story. It is a testament to the power of blood and the dangers of ambition. The Targaryens are a family divided, and their divisions have often been their undoing.

History of incest and rivalries

The Targaryen family is plagued by a history of incest and rivalries. Incest was seen as a way to keep the bloodline pure and the power intact, but it also led to genetic problems and mental instability. Rivalries between different branches of the family were common, and these often erupted into violence and bloodshed.

  • Incest: The Targaryens were known for their practice of incest, which was seen as a way to keep their bloodline pure and their power intact. Incestuous marriages were common among the Targaryens, and this often led to genetic problems and mental instability. For example, King Aerys II Targaryen, also known as the Mad King, was the product of generations of incest. He was a paranoid and unstable ruler who eventually descended into madness.
  • Rivalries: Rivalries between different branches of the Targaryen family were common, and these often erupted into violence and bloodshed. For example, the Dance of the Dragons was a civil war that took place between two rival branches of the Targaryen family. The war lasted for two years and resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, including King Aegon II Targaryen and his sister, Rhaenyra Targaryen.
  • Blackfyre Rebellions: The Blackfyre Rebellions were a series of civil wars that were fought between the Targaryens and the descendants of Daemon Blackfyre, Aegon IV's legitimized bastard son. The Blackfyres claimed that they were the rightful heirs to the Iron Throne, and they launched several rebellions in an attempt to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty. These rebellions were ultimately unsuccessful, but they further weakened the Targaryen family and contributed to their eventual downfall.
  • War of the Ninepenny Kings: The War of the Ninepenny Kings was a conflict that took place during the reign of King Jaehaerys II Targaryen. The war was started by a group of exiled Targaryens who were known as the Ninepenny Kings. The Ninepenny Kings invaded Westeros and quickly gained support from many of the great houses of the realm. However, they were eventually defeated by the Targaryen loyalists, and Jaehaerys II was able to secure his throne.

The Targaryens' history of incest and rivalries is a major factor in their downfall. It is a story of a family divided, a family that is ultimately destroyed by its own ambition and madness.

Legacy of madness and greatness

The Targaryen family is known for its legacy of both madness and greatness. Many Targaryens have exhibited signs of mental instability, including paranoia, delusions, and violence. This is often attributed to the family's practice of incest, which led to genetic problems and mental illness. However, the Targaryens are also known for their intelligence, ambition, and courage. They have produced some of the greatest rulers in Westerosi history, including Aegon the Conqueror, Jaehaerys I Targaryen, and Daenerys Stormborn.

The Targaryens' legacy of madness and greatness is a complex and fascinating one. It is a story of a family that is both blessed and cursed. The Targaryens are capable of great things, but they are also prone to self-destruction. This duality is what makes them so compelling and tragic.

Some of the most notable Targaryens who exhibited signs of madness include:

  • Aerys II Targaryen: Also known as the Mad King, Aerys was a paranoid and unstable ruler who eventually descended into madness. He was responsible for the deaths of many innocent people, including his own wife and children. Aerys' madness ultimately led to his downfall and the end of the Targaryen dynasty.
  • Viserys Targaryen: Daenerys' older brother, Viserys was a weak and ineffectual man who was obsessed with regaining the Iron Throne. He was also prone to violent outbursts and delusions of grandeur. Viserys' madness eventually led to his death at the hands of Khal Drogo.
  • Rhaegar Targaryen: Rhaegar was a complex and enigmatic figure. He was a skilled warrior and a talented musician, but he was also arrogant and ambitious. Rhaegar's obsession with prophecy led him to kidnap Lyanna Stark, which sparked a civil war that ultimately led to the downfall of the Targaryen dynasty.

Despite their history of madness, the Targaryens have also produced some of the greatest rulers in Westerosi history. These include:

  • Aegon the Conqueror: Aegon was a brilliant military commander and a charismatic leader. He was also a ruthless and ambitious man, but he was able to unite the Seven Kingdoms under his rule. Aegon's conquest is one of the most important events in Westerosi history.
  • Jaehaerys I Targaryen: Jaehaerys was a wise and just ruler who is often considered to be one of the greatest Targaryen kings. He was responsible for many reforms that improved the lives of his subjects. Jaehaerys' reign is often seen as a golden age for Westeros.
  • Daenerys Stormborn: Daenerys is the last of the Targaryen line. She is a powerful and ambitious woman who is determined to reclaim the Iron Throne. Daenerys has a large following of loyal supporters, and she is widely seen as a potential savior of Westeros.

The Targaryens are a family with a rich and complex history. They are a family of conquerors, rulers, and dragons. They are also a family of madness and greatness. The Targaryens are a family like no other, and their story is one that continues to captivate readers and viewers around the world.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the Targaryen family tree:

Question 1: Who is the founder of the Targaryen dynasty?
Answer 1: Aegon the Conqueror is the founder of the Targaryen dynasty. He conquered Westeros and united the Seven Kingdoms under his rule.

Question 2: What is the Targaryen family's sigil?
Answer 2: The Targaryen family's sigil is a three-headed dragon, representing their Valyrian heritage and their power over dragons.

Question 3: What is the Targaryen family's motto?
Answer 3: The Targaryen family's motto is "Fire and Blood," which reflects their fierce and powerful nature.

Question 4: Who is the current head of the Targaryen family?
Answer 4: Daenerys Stormborn is the current head of the Targaryen family. She is the last of the Targaryen line and is determined to reclaim the Iron Throne.

Question 5: What is the Targaryen family's relationship with dragons?
Answer 5: The Targaryens are known for their close association with dragons. They are the only family in Westeros who can tame and ride dragons, and this ability has been a key factor in their success.

Question 6: What are some of the key events in Targaryen history?
Answer 6: Some of the key events in Targaryen history include Aegon's Conquest, the Dance of the Dragons, and the Blackfyre Rebellions. These events have shaped the history of Westeros and the Targaryen dynasty.

Question 7: What are some of the notable Targaryen kings and queens?
Answer 7: Some of the notable Targaryen kings and queens include Aegon the Conqueror, Jaehaerys I Targaryen, and Daenerys Stormborn. These rulers have left a lasting legacy on Westeros and the Targaryen dynasty.

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The Targaryen family tree is a complex and fascinating one. It is a story of power, betrayal, love, and loss. The Targaryens are a family like no other, and their story is one that continues to captivate readers and viewers around the world.

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In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are some additional tips for learning more about the Targaryen family tree:


Here are some additional tips for learning more about the Targaryen family tree:

Tip 1: Read the books and watch the show
The most comprehensive way to learn about the Targaryen family tree is to read the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books by George R.R. Martin and watch the "Game of Thrones" TV show. These works provide a deep dive into the history and relationships of the Targaryen family.

Tip 2: Visit the official website and fan sites
The official "A Song of Ice and Fire" website and various fan sites contain a wealth of information about the Targaryen family tree. These resources include detailed timelines, character profiles, and interactive family trees.

Tip 3: Play the video games
There are several video games based on the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series, such as "Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series" and "Crusader Kings II: A Game of Thrones." These games allow you to experience the story of the Targaryen family from a different perspective.

Tip 4: Join a discussion forum or online community
There are many online forums and communities dedicated to discussing the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series. These communities are a great place to ask questions, share theories, and learn more about the Targaryen family tree from other fans.

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The Targaryen family tree is a complex and fascinating one, and there are many ways to learn more about it. By following these tips, you can gain a deeper understanding of this iconic family and their role in the world of Westeros.

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The Targaryen family tree is a rich and complex tapestry of history, power, and betrayal. It is a story that has captivated readers and viewers around the world. Whether you are a longtime fan of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series or you are just discovering it for the first time, there is something for everyone in the story of the Targaryens.


The Targaryen family tree is a complex and fascinating one. It is a story of power, betrayal, love, and loss. The Targaryens are a family like no other, and their story is one that continues to captivate readers and viewers around the world.

The Targaryens are known for their Valyrian heritage, their ability to tame and ride dragons, and their history of incest and rivalries. They have produced some of the greatest rulers in Westerosi history, such as Aegon the Conqueror and Daenerys Stormborn. However, they have also been plagued by madness and tragedy.

The Targaryen family tree is a testament to the power of blood and the dangers of ambition. It is a story that is both inspiring and heartbreaking. The Targaryens are a family that is both loved and feared, and their story is one that will continue to be told for generations to come.

Closing Message:

Whether you are a longtime fan of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series or you are just discovering it for the first time, I encourage you to learn more about the Targaryen family tree. It is a story that is rich in history, drama, and intrigue. You won't be disappointed.

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